Tuesday, April 10, 2007

When is a Lake a Mountain?

R. and I were talking yesterday about how, to us, Crater Lake is a mountain as much as it is a lake. :-} We were talking about our computer desktop picture theme - all stuff from around Central Oregon. Since I was in college, my computers have been South Sister (that's a mountain), Broken Top (that's another mountain), Mt. Hood, and Crater Lake. R.'s computer is now Crater Lake, and her old laptop was Suttle Lake (that's the right spelling). Ok, so we first began by observing that all of our computers are Central Oregon mountains. Then she pointed out that her laptop was the exception, it being a lake. It took us a while to figure out that Crater Lake is also a lake! If you want to talk about tall mountains in southern Oregon, you can talk about Mt. McLaughlin, Mt. Scott, Crater Lake, Mt. Thielson... Yep, Crater Lake is one of them. Actually it's Mt. Mazama, but that's neither here nor there. The simply amusing fact of the matter is that Crater Lake is as much a mountain as it is a lake. :-}

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