Thursday, March 22, 2007

Nothing to blog about...

It's been a while so I figure I should write something. I just finished reading C. S. Lewis' Preface to Paradise Lost. It is quite good! Makes me want to read PL again. And it makes me want to read Dante, too. I keep running into comments about Dante or quotes from Dante, and with each new comment or quote I wish I had time to just sit down and read Dante! Well, I'm sure I will soon enough. In the meantime, I'm reading a book about evolution, and reading papers about pulmonary fibrosis. And I got a little book the other day by N. T. Wright called For All The Saints? which I started reading today after finishing Lewis' book. I should probably turn back to this book about the flu that I started reading (and enjoying very much) a while ago but haven't touched for quite a while... That's the book that is currently feeling a little like the bottleneck in my reading program. Well, we'll see. In other news, I'm making good progress in my analysis of Oroqen vowels. I went up to Dartmouth last weekend, rented a car for it and drove up in the middle of the big NE snowstorm/blizzard. A little nerve-wracking but all in all not terrible driving conditions. I was impressed at how everyone on the road seemed to know exactly how to handle the situation, unlike in Central Oregon. I guess the difference might be that in Central Oregon we get a lot of people not from Central Oregon and therefore not used to driving in Winter conditions, whereas in New England it doesn't matter what part of the state or region you're from, you all know how to drive safely in blizzards. As as long as you drove in the tracks of the cars in front of you, the pavement stayed relatively bare and not very slippery. Still, it took about 6 hours, which was a long haul. I'm going back this weekend and it looks like it will be sunny and 50+ degrees! The goal for the next two days is to finish making acoustic measurements so that the goal for the weekend can be accomplished: To get some serious writing done.


CareFreePhotography said...

Steven, wouldn't you call that NE snowstorm a "Noreaster"?

Steven Lulich said...

I don't think this one was a nor'easter. Those storms come from the northeast and this one I think came from the west.